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ดนุวัศ สุวรรณวงศ์
บุษบง ชัยเจริญวัฒนะ


This article reveals the framework for administration of higher education institutions in the three southern border provinces with emphasis on sustainable development and supporting of the ASEAN community which consists of the following components: analysis of the overall environment at the local level in which the institutions are located; evaluation of resources of each institution; and comparative analysis of the current condition of the institutions and the condition of which they should be in the future. This framework is to determine new strategies and administrative models taking into consideration the concepts of strategic marketing, public participation, and responding to the needs of the general public concerned under the new paradigm consisting of nine dimensions.

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How to Cite
สุวรรณวงศ์ ด., & ชัยเจริญวัฒนะ บ. (2018). A NEW PARADIGM FOR ADMINISTRATION OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN THE THREE SOUTHERN BORDER PROVINCES: A FRAMEWORK FOR EMPHASIS ON SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORTING OF THE ASEAN COMMUNITY. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(2), 58–71. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/116750


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