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ชลัท ประเทืองรัตนา


This article aims to deal with the understanding of misperception and cognitive biases that may happen during any mediation process. Such biases can simply occur as a result of differences in ideas and beliefs under which each human being has been brought up and socialized. Perception and cognitive biases lead to unsuccessful mediation or, at least, the delay in the mediation process. In order to understand other people more correctly and avoid miscommunication, mediators should know how to manage perception and cognitive biases. This article suggests that the essential skills in mediation include the ability to reframe disputes to create positive viewpoints and the uses of good communication techniques with clear questioning, attentive listening, and having empathy to others.

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How to Cite
ประเทืองรัตนา ช. (2018). MISPERCEPTION AND COGNITIVE BIASES IN MEDIATION: HOW TO MANAGE. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13(2), 115–123. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/spurhs/article/view/116768


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