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Phadett Tooksoon
Osman Mohamad


This study focuses on government agency as the moderating effect on the relationship between organizational resources and export market expansion among Thailand exporting the agro-based SMEs. Factor analysis was performed on twenty two items describing organizational resources and four factors were extracted. They were labeled as technology resources, financial resources, human resources, and reputation resources. The results of regression analysis revealed that only financial resources of organizational resources is statistically significant and positively associated with export market expansion, beside government agency is also statistically significant and positively associated with export market expansion. Furthermore, government agency moderates the relationship between financial resources as well as reputation resources with export market expansion. Firms with higher government agency exhibit higher financial resources and higher export market expansion. Similarly, firms with higher government agency achieved higher export market expansion when a reputation resource is high.

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Tooksoon, P., & Mohamad, O. (2018). THE MODERATING EFFECT OF GOVERNMENT AGENCY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANIZATIONAL RESOURCES AND EXPORT MARKET EXPANSION. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(2), 38–53. Retrieved from


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