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พัชราภา สิงห์ธนสาร


The objective of the research is to find the recommendation to increase the competitiveness of the rice mills in Nakhon Sawan Province. The research methodologies comprise of both qualitative and quantitative analyses. The questionnaire survey is distributed to 50 rice mills in Nakhon Sawan Province, the data complied from the questionnaire is analyzed by the regression technique. The result of the regression analysis is certified by interviewing the rice mill’s entrepreneurs before summarized the result of the research. The research found out that rice mills should emphasize more on the supply chain management practices since it is the essential factor not only to improve the performance but also to increase the competitiveness of the rice mills. The quality information should be shared among the rice mills entrepreneurs for making decision that benefit the business.

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สิงห์ธนสาร พ. (2018). INCREASING THE COMPETITIVENESS TO THE RICE MILL BASED ON SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AND RESOURCE-BASED THEORY. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(2), 97–114. Retrieved from


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