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อัชฌา ชื่นบุญ


Structural equation modeling comprises both the linear structural equation modeling and the nonlinear structural equation modeling, both of which are widely applied in behavioral and social sciences. The nonlinear structural equation modeling has been used in the last few decades in foreign research. Monte Carlo simulations are used to analyze nonlinear structural equation modeling in various conditions. The main steps in Monte Carlo simulations are as follows 1) Creating a parametric model, 2) generating a set of random inputs, and 3) analyzing the results using the various statistics. The Monte Carlo simulations are useful for estimating parameters in complex models, the large data, and nonlinear models. The specific instructions for nonlinear structural equations modeling are developed in many programs such as Mplus, LISREL, Visual-PLS, R software package. This article will present only the Monte Carlo simulations for analysis of nonlinear structural equation modeling using LISREL Program. Although this is a difficult and complex analysis method, it should not be the cause that limits the development of the knowledge of science. It is proposed to be widely used and to expand knowledge more widely.

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ชื่นบุญ อ. (2018). MONTE CARLO SIMULATION USING LISREL FOR ANALYZING NONLINEAR STRUCTURAL EQUATION MODELING. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 18(1), 135–145. Retrieved from


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