Reciprocal Teaching Method for Enhancing Thai EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability

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Wimonphon Rawengwan
Rattana Yawiloeng


The purposes of the present study were (1) to compare the effectiveness of the reciprocal teaching method between the experimental and control groups, and (2) to investigate the reading comprehension achievement of EFL learners with different proficiency levels who were taught with the reciprocal teaching method, as classified by the Oxford Reading Comprehension Placement Test (2015). The total number of 164 EFL learners at Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University students took part in this study. Seventy-three first year EFL participants were selected by purposive selection. Then, they were randomly assigned into two groups: a control group with 33 EFL learners receiving the traditional teaching method, and 40 EFL learners in the experimental group receiving the reciprocal teaching method. In order to obtain the required data, three instruments were utilized: The Oxford Reading Comprehension Placement Test (2015), a learning achievement test for pre-testing and post-testing, and a semi-structured interview form. The results showed that the different proficiency EFL learners in the experimental group had high reading comprehension ability achievement. Also, they improved reading comprehension skills (e.g., finding a topic and main idea, vocabulary, and grammar), and they can use metacognitive reading strategies to complete the reading task in small group work. Discussions and findings are also offered.

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How to Cite
Rawengwan, W., & Yawiloeng, R. . (2020). Reciprocal Teaching Method for Enhancing Thai EFL Learners’ Reading Comprehension Ability. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 20(1), 105–123. retrieved from


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