The Influence of Innovation Usage on Small and Medium Enterprises’ Performance in Sanuk Provincial Group (Sakonnakhon, Nakhonphanom, Mukdahan)

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Tanin Tirasawasdichai
Korakot Pookayaporn
Pattama Suriyakul Na Ayudhya


The aim of this research is to study the behaviors of innovation usage among the small and medium entrepreneurs or SMEs, including the influence of innovative behaviors on business competency. This research focuses on the entrepreneurs in Sanuk provincial group which consists of Sakon Nakhon, Nakhon Phanom and Mukdahan, using the members of YEC (Young Entrepreneurs Chamber of Commerce) as the population in this study. The questionnaire is a tool for data collection; there are totally 172 respondents from YEC in Sanuk provincial group. The statistics used for data analysis include descriptive statistics of percentage, mean, standard deviation; and inferential statistics of multiple regression analysis. Four explanatory variables in this research are the behavior of process innovation usage, marketing innovation usage, product and service innovation usage, administration innovation usage; while the dependent variable is business competency. The empirical results show that behavior of process and administration innovation usage are positively and significantly correlated with business competency; while behavior of marketing, and product and service innovation usage are not correlated.



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How to Cite
Tirasawasdichai, T., Pookayaporn, K. ., & Suriyakul Na Ayudhya, P. . (2021). The Influence of Innovation Usage on Small and Medium Enterprises’ Performance in Sanuk Provincial Group (Sakonnakhon, Nakhonphanom, Mukdahan). Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 21(1), 122–136. retrieved from


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