The Development of Indicators for Rehabilitation to the Social Acceptance of Ex-offenders

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Saovakon Jeadsadaruk
Ratchaneekool Pinyopanuwat


The purposes of this research were (1) to develop indicators for rehabilitation to create the social acceptance for ex-offenders; and (2) to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis to validate the fitness with empirical data of the developed model of indicators for rehabilitation to create the social acceptance for ex-offenders.  The research sample consisted of 2,036 ex-offenders and repeated offenders. The research instrument was a questionnaire. Data were analyzed using the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and confirmatory factor analysis. Research results were as follows: (1) the developed model of indicators for rehabilitation to create the social acceptance for ex-offenders comprised four components as follows: (1.1) the psychological component, with 11 indicators; (1.2) the sociological component, with nine indicators; (1.3) the ways of life component, with 13 indicators; and (1.4) the social attitude component, with five indicators; and (2) results of the confirmatory factor analysis of the developed model of indicators for rehabilitation to create the social acceptance for ex-offenders revealed that the model had  fitness with empirical data, with the factor loadings of the components ranging from 0.95 to 0.89; the component with the highest factor loading was the ways of life component, with factor loading of 0.95, to be followed by the psychological and sociological components each of which having the factor loading of 0.94, and the social attitude component, with factor loading of 0.89, respectively.

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How to Cite
Jeadsadaruk, S., & Pinyopanuwat, R. . (2021). The Development of Indicators for Rehabilitation to the Social Acceptance of Ex-offenders. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 21(2), 140–153. retrieved from


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