Reasons for Philanthropic Belief Formation: A Case Study of Chinese Entrepreneurs

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leilei zhang
Sid Suntrayuth


The purpose of this study is to explore how the philanthropic belief is formed for those entrepreneurs who are keen on philanthropy under the special national conditions of failure of tax laws to provide incentives for philanthropy, low public trust in philanthropy and lack of philanthropic culture. In this study, 14 charitable in 14 cities of 12 provinces in China were in-depth interviewed. Through constant analysis of the data, it was found that entrepreneurs who were keen on philanthropy had the following attributes: holding concurrent political posts, goodness-oriented personality traits, and insights into philanthropy. These 3 attributes facilitated the formation of their philanthropic beliefs. It was philanthropic beliefs that contributed to proactive philanthropic behaviors of entrepreneurs, while those without philanthropic beliefs neglected philanthropic behaviors. This study contradicts the perspective frequently used in the previous studies, which means that entrepreneurs’ philanthropy focuses on the perspective of “self-interest” motivations, such as seeking economic motivation or obtaining political resources; instead, it contributes to a deep understanding of the authentic motivations and influencing factors behind charitable donations of entrepreneurs. Therefore, it shows certain theoretical innovations. It also provides important theoretical guidance and practical significance to promote the sound development of corporate philanthropy.

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How to Cite
zhang, leilei, & Suntrayuth, S. . (2021). Reasons for Philanthropic Belief Formation: A Case Study of Chinese Entrepreneurs. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 21(2), 166–178. retrieved from


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