The Influence of Sufficient-Mindedness Society on Financial Management Behavior and Balance in School and Work Life of Undergraduate Students in Faculty of Business Administration of Private Higher Education Institution

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Tanyavanun Lianyang


The purpose of this research was to study a model of causal relationship that affects the financial management behavior and balance in school and work life of undergraduate students.  The research sample consisted of 300 undergraduate students in the Faculty of Business Administration of a private higher education institution during the first semester of academic year 2020 obtained by stratified random sampling. The data collecting instrument was a five-level Likert scale questionnaire on the causal factors and effects of the financial management behavior and balance in school and work life of students. The research data were analyzed with the use of causal structural equation modeling.  The results were as follows: (1) The developed model of causal relationship that affects the financial management behavior and balance in school and work life of undergraduate students was consistent with empirical data according to the Social Cognitive Theory including the concept of sufficiency economy principles of King Rama IX and social influence factors. (2) The causal factors in the model could be combined to explain the variance of financial management behavior and balance in school and work life of Faculty of Business Administration undergraduate students by 51 percent and 77 percent respectively, which were significant at the .05 level. The financial management behavior and balance in school and work life of the undergraduate students depended on the sufficient-mindedness characteristics based on the sufficiency economy principles including moderation, reasonableness and mental immunity.


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How to Cite
Lianyang, T. (2022). The Influence of Sufficient-Mindedness Society on Financial Management Behavior and Balance in School and Work Life of Undergraduate Students in Faculty of Business Administration of Private Higher Education Institution. Sripatum Review of Humanities and Social Sciences, 22(1), 78–92. retrieved from


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