Independent living skills development to the quality of life of children with multiple disabilities in Wawee Subdistrict.

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ชไมพร ธิอ้าย
สร้อยสุดา วิทยากร


Independent living of children with multiple disabilities in the community are not only physically disabled but also affected to choosing or making self- determination. To succeed in developing independent living skills of the disabled children, they, their families and communities are important. If the children are able to acknowledge to their own capabilities and limitations, families and communities are able to understand the self-control of living of children with multiple disabilities, they will support and realize that developing independent living skills can help the children to make self-reliance as much as possible. Therefore, the help and support should be on the basis of bringing disabled children to feelings the values of human being. Thun's family is an example of developing a successful independent living skill and quality of life. Thun and his family can be happily in society and the environment under various contexts. In addition, Thun's family can recognize what is relevant to him Includes physical, psychological, social and environmental. Therefore, the development of independent living skill can contribute to empowerment to children with multiple disabilities and his family. So that children with multiple disabilities and his family can live in society. This provides an opportunity for learning and development. It can lead to quality of life for disabled children.

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How to Cite
ธิอ้าย ช. ., & วิทยากร ส. . . . (2019). Independent living skills development to the quality of life of children with multiple disabilities in Wawee Subdistrict. Sikkhana, 7(8), 34–47. Retrieved from
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