The Development of Learning Activity Package in English Reading Comprehension Skills Based-on Brain Based Learning Approach for Mattayomsueksa 1 Students
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to develop the learning activity package in English Reading Comprehension Skills based-on Brain Based Learning Approach for Mattayomsueksa 1 students with the efficiency value (E1/E2) of 75/75 2) to compare the students’ achievement after learning through the learning activity package with the criterion 80 % of full score 3) to compare the reading comprehension ability of the students between before and after using the learning activity package and 4) to study Mattayomsueksa 1 students’ satisfaction toward learning activity package in English reading comprehension skills based-on brain based learning approach. The sample consisted of 42 Mattayomsueksa ½ students by cluster sampling. The research instruments included the learning activity package, the lesson plans, test, the form of satisfaction evaluation. The statistics comprised percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The results of the research were as follows the learning activity package in English reading comprehension skills based-on brain based learning approach for Mattayomsueksa 1 students was 79.51/82.54. The students’ achievement after learning with the learning activity package was significantly higher than the criteria 80 percent at .05, and the posttest mean scores of English reading comprehension ability of the students were higher than those of pre-test at the .05 level of significance. The students’ satisfaction toward the learning activity package in English reading comprehension skills based-on brain based learning approach were at a high level of satisfaction.
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