A Model on Participation in Community Forest Conservation Enhanching The Decrease of The Global Warming Problems of The Community Hardcores in Chaiyaphum Province

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สมพงษ์ เสนชัย
จันทร์จิรา ตรีเพชร
กุลวดี คตชนะเลขา
นารีรัตน์ ศรีอุทัย
อุมาวดี เดชธำรง


A model on participation in community forest conservation enhanching the decrease of the global warming problems of the community hardcores in Chaiyaphum province had the objectives to study the openion, to study the participation and to develop the model on participation in community forest conservation enhancing the decrease of the global warming problems of the community hardcores in Chaiyaphum province: The sample were 335 community hardcores from Ban Khowao, Nong Bue Rawe, Phukdi Chumpol and Muaeng Chaiyaphum districts, derived through Krejcie & Morgan’s Sample-size Table and the purposive sampling; and 20 informants, involing in Khao Saqmphan Ta Community Forest, Cheebon Sub-district, Bann Khoa District. The instrument used in collecting the data was the questionare about the openion, the participation in community forest conservation; and the focus group discussion of the informants. The statistical used for analyzing the data were percentage, mean (X) and standard deviation (S.D.). The research findings; The model on the participation in community forest conversation enhancing the decrease of the global warming problems such as meeting for planning on solving the problems, conducting training to transfer khowledge for the villagers, local leaders and community forest conservation authourities for continuously, using strict legal enforcement for the forest invaders; urgently investigating the forest boundary; using strict in preventing forest invasion urgently and seriously; and seriously following up and evaluating, forming up local community forest conservation units.

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