Development Guidelines of Solid Waste Management in Local Government
Main Article Content
The study analyzed 1) the reduction of solid waste. Recycling and sorting of solid waste that local authorities should refrain from reducing or avoiding the use and consumption of certain types of articles. Resources and products Renewable resources, recycled 2) solid waste management and problems arising from the implementation of solid waste management of the local governments that will have to reduce the amount of solid waste. Encourage public participation The recycling system Transportation and disposal system combines three) Solution 3.1) support for reducing solid waste 3.2) to create a network of cooperation in the public service waste between local governments 3.3) should expedite local, all municipalities Solid waste management plans in both the short and long term 3.4) policies and measures. As well as guidelines for the management of solid waste and sewage of local and 3.5) should waste disposal plant up to standard.
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