The Development Learning of SCTAC MODEL to Enhance Practical Skills and Creative Thinking for Matthayomsuksa II Students
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The purposes of this research were: 1) to analytical study basic information of SCTAC MODEL to enhance practical skills and creative thinking for Matthayomsuksa II students, 2) to develop and verify the efficiency of SCTAC MODEL, 3) to test the SCTAC MODEL and 4) to assess the SCTAC MODEL. This research adopts mixed methodology of quantitative and qualitative research. The population consisted of 60 Matthayomsuksa II students in the second semester on academic year 2015 at Bandinjee School and the 30 samples were selected by cluster random sampling. The research instruments were test, task assessment form and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using mean, percentage and dependent t-test. The results found that: The SCTAC MODEL were 5 steps of syntax as follows: Stimulate : S, Constructive Learning : C, Transfer of Learning : T, Active Learning : A and Cooperative Learning : C (contained six steps of the process; 1) Interest Problem, 2) Brainstorm to analytical study 3) design and practice, 4) verify, 5) Improve and 6) evaluate). The quality of SCTAC MODEL was at high level ( = 4.29). The students’ achievement scores were significantly higher than pre-test scores at the .01 level. The students’ creative thinking scores were significantly higher than pre-test scores at the .01 level. The students’ creative thinking scores were significantly higher than pre-test scores at the .01 level. The assessment of students’ practical skills were appropriate at the highest level ( = 4.62). The assessment of SCTAC MODEL was appropriate at high
level ( = 4.43)
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