Model Public Management Infrastructure Based on Needs Assessment of Small Municipalities in the Northeastern

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ดวงตา ราชอาษา
เสาวลักษณ์ โกศลกิตติอัมพร
สัญญา เคณาภูมิ


             This research aimed to study (1) the public infrastructure management, (2) the factor effecting to the public infrastructure management, (3) Needs Assessment of the public infrastructure management, and (4) building the Model of Public Infrastructure Management Based on Needs Assessment. The area was studied in the Small Municipalities in the Northeastern Thailand. The sample were 1,407 people who concerning to municipalities consist of the administrator, the member of Sub-district Council, the officer and the people. To analysis by frequency, percentage, standard deviation, Multiple regression analysis, and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI). To build the Model of Public Infrastructure Management Based on Needs Assessment by using the SWOT technique and confirm Model by 12 expertizes.

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Author Biographies

ดวงตา ราชอาษา, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administrator   Rajabhat Mahasarakham University

D.P.A. (Public Administration) Student, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administrator

  Rajabhat Mahasarakham University e-mail: Tel. +66969454493  

เสาวลักษณ์ โกศลกิตติอัมพร, Associate Professor, Lecturer, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration Rajabhat Mahasarakham University

Associate Professor, Lecturer, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration Rajabhat Mahasarakham


สัญญา เคณาภูมิ, Associate Professor, Lecturer, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration Rajabhat Mahasarakham University

Associate Professor, Lecturer, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration Rajabhat Mahasarakham



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