The Development of Soil Management Training Manual in Ban NongUom, Tambon Na Si-Nual, Amphoe Kantarawichai, Mahasarakham

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ศิริวรรณ ชุมธีรรัตน์
จุไรรัตน์ คุรุโคตร


The purposes of this research were, 1) to study the problems of agriculture in Ban NongUom, Tambon Na Si-Nual, AmphoeKantarawichai,
MahaSarakham province, 2) to develop a training manual for soil management with efficiency of 80/80, 3) to study the effectiveness index
of a training manual for soil management, 4) to compare the knowledge, attitude and practice before and after training on soil management for
farmers and 5) to study the satisfaction leval of training. The sample group used in the research is Ban NongUom, Tambon Na Si-Nual, Amphoe
Kantarawichai, Mahasarakham Province, 35 people who received from voluntary participation in training. Analyz Descriptive Staf Infereutial Stat
Cpaired t-test (P<0.001) The results showed that the training manual for soil management was efficiency with 81.71/93.71 which was the criteria
set at 80/80. The effectiveness index (EI) was 0.65 and farmers had the Knowledge, attitudes and practices of soil management after the training
higher than before training of the statistical significance According to the training, farmer trainees were satisfied with the most satisfaction in overall.
It showed that is training can create knowledge, attitudes and practices for good soil management of farmers in Ban NongUom, Tambon Na Si-
Nual, Amphoe Kantarawichai, Mahasarakham province.

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Author Biographies

ศิริวรรณ ชุมธีรรัตน์, Studentin Environmental Education, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Maha Sarakham University

Studentin Environmental Education, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Maha Sarakham University

จุไรรัตน์ คุรุโคตร, Lecturer in Environmental Education, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Maha Sarakham University

Lecturer in Environmental Education, Faculty of Environment and Resource Studies, Maha Sarakham University


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