Effects Of Cooperative Learning STAD Technique And SSCS Model Toward Mathematical Problem Solving Abilities On Pythagorean Theorem Of Mathayomsuksa II Students

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แทนไทย ชัยคำภา
วรรณธิดา ยลวิลาศ
เอกวิทย์ ลำพาย


The purpose of this research were 1) to compare mathayomsuksa 2 students’ mathematical problem solving abilities on Pythagorean  theorem before and after the use of cooperative learning STAD technique  and SSCS model 2) to compare mathayomsuksa 2 students’ mathematical  problem solving abilities on Pythagorean theorem after the use of cooperative learning STAD technique and SSCS model with criterion of 70  percent. The target group consisted of 21 students in mathayomsuksa 2  during a second semester of the academic year 2018 from Khonkaenwit-tayaserm school, Tha Khantho District, Kalasin Province. The research  instruments were 4 mathematic lesson plans using STAD technique with  SSCS model and mathematics problem solving abilities test on Pythagorean theorem. The data were statistically analyzed by using percentage,  mean, standard deviation and t – test for Dependent Samples and t – test  One Samples Test. The results showed that 1) mathayomsuksa 2 students’  mathematical problem solving abilities on Pythagorean theorem after the  use of cooperative learning STAD technique and SSCS model had higher  than before learning at the .05 level of significance. The students’ pretest  and posttest mean scores of mathematical problem solving abilities were  6.43 or 16.07 percent and 34.14 or 85.35 percent respectively. 2) mathayomsuksa 2 students’ mathematical problem solving abilities on Pythagorean theorem after the use of cooperative learning STAD technique  and SSCS model had higher than the 70 percent criterion at .05 level of  significance. The students’ posttest mean scores of mathematical problem  solving abilities was 34.14 or 85.35 percent.

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Author Biographies

แทนไทย ชัยคำภา, Student of mathematics, Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University. Telephone number 0957316327 E-mail: chaicompatanthai@gmail.com.

Student of mathematics, Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University.

  Telephone number 0957316327 E-mail: chaicompatanthai@gmail.com.

วรรณธิดา ยลวิลาศ, Lecturer of mathematics, the Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin University. Telephone number 0956603887 E-mail: jscmo@hotmail.com.

Lecturer of mathematics, the Faculty of Education and Educational Innovation, Kalasin

  University. Telephone number 0956603887 E-mail: jscmo@hotmail.com.

เอกวิทย์ ลำพาย, 3 Lecturer of mathematics, Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. Telephone number 0837277231 E-mail: ter_cool_cute@hotmail.com.

3 Lecturer of mathematics,  Faculty of Science and Technology, Rajabhat Mahasarakham

  University. Telephone number 0837277231 E-mail: ter_cool_cute@hotmail.com.



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