Forms of The Debt Management in Ban Khan Phai Community

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โสภณ มูลหา
ประวิชญา ณัฎฐากรกุล
ทรงเกียรติ ซาตัน
พรพิมล พิมพ์แก้ว
ปรีชา ทับสมบัติ


The purposes of this research were to study : 1) the debt situation, 2) the causes and factors affecting debt situation, and 3) the problem forms of people in Ban Khan Phai Community. The qualitative research used was review literature collection, and depth interview 100 person, 80 households,  and 20 headship of Ban Khan Phai Community.  The finding found the relationship between the natural resources condition and the changing of communal environment. Thus, it has the congruence between people in communal adaptation and debt situation under the limited of developmental and capitalism policy condition affecting to living stability. The cause and factors affecting the community's debt of people in Ban Khan Phai Community were high cost of living but low income, and debt situation by materialism and technological value. Finding indicate that the solution pattern of this problem should be based on sufficiency economy philosophy for reduce expenses, increase revenue, and emphasis on self-reliance, and save cost.

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โสภณ มูลหา, 1 Lecturer Program in Innovation for Local Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University, email :

1 Lecturer Program in Innovation for Local Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University,

  email :

ประวิชญา ณัฎฐากรกุล, Assistant Professor Ph.D., Lecturer Program in Innovation for Local Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University, email:

Assistant Professor Ph.D., Lecturer Program in Innovation for Local Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin  University, email:

ทรงเกียรติ ซาตัน, 3 Assistant Professor, Lecturer Program in Innovation for Local Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University, email :

3 Assistant Professor, Lecturer Program in Innovation for Local Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University,  

  email :

พรพิมล พิมพ์แก้ว, 4 Assistant Professor, Lecturer Bachelor of Laws Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University. email :

4 Assistant Professor, Lecturer Bachelor of Laws Program, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University.

  email :

ปรีชา ทับสมบัติ, Lecturer Program in Innovation for Local Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University. email:

[1] Lecturer Program in Innovation for Local Development, Faculty of Liberal Arts, Kalasin University.



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