Association of Integrated Report Quality on Firm Performance and Value

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ขวัญฤทัย เต็มสวัสดิ์
อุษณีย์ รัศมีวงษ์จันทร์
กนต์ณัฐ ปู่เกตุแก้ว
จุมภฏ สนิทธางกูร
ชัย วิชัยศรี


This study examines the quality of integrated reports in associations with firm performance and firm value. The samples consist of the top 100 firms of market capitalization which listed on the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET100) between 2017-2019. The data were collected from the firms’ annual reports and sustainability reports. Integrated report quality was measured based on the assessment procedure of EY Integrated Reporting Award. On the other hand, firm performance was defined by profitability and return on equity (ROE) and firm value was determined by Tobin’s Q ratio. For methodology, the linear regression models were used to find the relationship between integrated report quality and firm performance and firm value.

The results showed that integrated report quality positively correlated with firm performance and firm value. These findings meant the performance and value of the firms with high integrated report quality were also better than their counterparts. The results of this study are beneficial for stakeholders and investors’ decisions.

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เต็มสวัสดิ์ ข., รัศมีวงษ์จันทร์ อ., ปู่เกตุแก้ว ก., สนิทธางกูร จ., & วิชัยศรี ช. (2021). Association of Integrated Report Quality on Firm Performance and Value . Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 15–28. retrieved from
Research Articles


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