Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities is committed to maintaining ethical standards in publishing. Therefore, to ensure that all relevant parties are aware of and adhere to the principles and ethical standards in publishing rigorously, we have defined the roles and responsibilities of those involved, categorized into three parties as follows:

1) Roles and Responsibilities of Authors

2) Roles and Responsibilities of Qualified Article Reviewers

3) Roles and Responsibilities of the Journal Editorial Board

1. Roles and Responsibilities of Authors

1.1 Authors must submit work that has not been previously published elsewhere and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

1.2 Authors must not plagiarize the work of others and must provide proper citations whenever presenting or referencing the work of others in their articles.

1.3 If the work of the authors involves the use of animals, participants, or volunteers, the authors must ensure that it is carried out in accordance with ethical principles, legal requirements, and relevant regulations.

1.4 Authors must provide consistent data and conclusions. Authors must not distort, falsify, or present false information.

1.5 In the case of multiple authors, the corresponding author represents the team of authors and is responsible for the publication of the article.

1.6 Authors must disclose the funding sources that supported the research work being published.

1.7 Authors attach an ethics approval certificate for research involving humans and animals (if applicable).

2. Roles and Responsibilities of Qualified Article Reviewers

2.1 Qualified reviewers evaluate articles based on academic principles and reasoning, free from bias. They maintain objectivity and assess articles within an appropriate timeframe.

2.2 Reviewers are aware that they possess genuine expertise in the subject matter of the scholarly work being evaluated.

2.3 Reviewers must promptly inform the editorial board if they discover or have any doubts that the evaluated article is a duplicate of other work or has been previously assessed for another academic journal.

2.4 Reviewers must not disclose confidential original article information to unauthorized parties.

3. Roles and Responsibilities of the Journal Editorial Board

3.1 The editorial board is responsible for reviewing and examining all articles submitted for publication in the journal. They assess the content of the articles for alignment with the journal's objectives and scope, ensuring the quality of the articles both during the evaluation process and before publication.

3.2 The editorial board maintains neutrality in its duties and does not discriminate based on gender, race, religion, culture, politics, or the affiliations of the authors.

3.3 The editorial board does not use articles or the journal for commercial purposes or claim them as their own scholarly work.

3.4 The editorial board clearly defines the roles and responsibilities of authors and qualified article reviewers.

3.5 The editorial board decides on article publication based on academic quality and suitability without undue influence from others.

3.6 The editorial board does not edit or alter the content of articles or the assessments made by qualified reviewers, and they do not interfere with the exchange of information between qualified reviewers and authors.

3.7 The editorial board follows the processes and procedures of the journal diligently.

3.8 The editorial board upholds the standards of the journal, including the development of the journal to ensure its quality and relevance.