English Speaking Ability of Students at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Lampang through Using Communicating Language Activities

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เบ็ญญา อินวรรณ์
นงนุช ตั้งใจเจริญทรัพย์


The purpose of the study is to investigate students’ English speaking ability through using communicating language activities and the survey of students’ behaviors in speaking English through using communicating language activities. The sample selected by using purposive sampling is 20 students enrolling in Fundamental English 1 (01-320-103) in the second semester of the academic year 2020 at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Lampang. The instruments used in this study are lesson plans, English speaking ability tests and a survey of students’ behaviors in speaking English. The data are analyzed by using the T-test and mean.

           The findings revealed that after the students were taught through using communicating language activities. The students’ English speaking ability was higher at the 0.05 level which was based on the hypothesis 1 which was the development of English speaking ability of students through using communicating language activities. The post-test score, in either case, was higher than that of the pre-test. The results of the survey of students’ behaviors in speaking English were increasing in every level which was 4.54 at the highest level in the fifth level which was based on the hypothesis 2 which was increasing in the development of English speaking ability.

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How to Cite
อินวรรณ์ เ., & ตั้งใจเจริญทรัพย์ น. (2021). English Speaking Ability of Students at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna Lampang through Using Communicating Language Activities. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(2), 82–97. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/RJSH/article/view/254508
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