Planning of Agricultural Production by Using Linear Programming Model Based on the Concept of Sufficiency Economy in the Area of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

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พลกฤช ตันติญานุกูล
จักรวาฬ ไชยพัฒน์
ลิขิตา เฉลิมพลโยธิน


The purposes of this research were Analyze agricultural production planning using linear programming model based on the concept of sufficiency economy in the area of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province and Study the results of the planning applied to the farmers. The population of this research was farmers who have produced their own land in Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, and selected samples by purposive sampling method 2 people. The data analysis was used linear programming for analyze planning. 

The results of the study were as follows Planning of agricultural production by using linear programming model based on the concept of sufficiency economy there are 5 cases are the case of household labor has 1 person, 2 persons, 3 persons, 4 persons and 5 persons. For example, the case of labour has 2 persons, land 3 rai, capital 30,080 baht, 1,025 labour hours, 3,818 cubic meters of water and receive net income 156,400 baht. This planning using applied to 2 farmers in the Wang Pong sub district Pran Buri Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. That helps farmers income increased more from the traditional production average 41.75 percent.

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ตันติญานุกูล พ., ไชยพัฒน์ จ., & เฉลิมพลโยธิน ล. (2022). Planning of Agricultural Production by Using Linear Programming Model Based on the Concept of Sufficiency Economy in the Area of Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(3), 25–34. retrieved from
Research Articles


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