Design and Price Calculation System for Seminar Courses: A Case Study of Singha People Development Company Limited

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คเณศ์ จันทร์ราชา
กมลรัตน์ ประวันตา
วลัยนุช สกุลนุ้ย


The objectives of this project are to 1) create a system for designing and calculating prices of seminars: a case study of Singpattana Person Co., Ltd., 2) To assess the satisfaction of the development of the system design and price calculation of training courses and seminars.  Visual basic 2017 is used for system development and the data are stored using Microsoft database system and SQL Server Management Studio. After the development is completed, the user satisfaction of the system will be assessed. The result shows that the mean score of satisfaction by 5 experts is at a good level (4.36) and a system satisfaction rating by 20 general users at a good (4.29). It means that the system can work effectively according to its intended objectives and it can be applied in the real world.

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How to Cite
จันทร์ราชา ค., ประวันตา ก. ., & สกุลนุ้ย ว. . . (2022). Design and Price Calculation System for Seminar Courses: A Case Study of Singha People Development Company Limited. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 3(3), 78–88. Retrieved from
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