Creating Innovations in Managerial Accounting Information to Improve Productivity and Competitiveness of Orchid Entrepreneurs in Nakhon Prothom Province

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ดารารัตน์ สุขแก้ว
วาสุกาญจน์ งามโฉม
ลภัสวัฒน์ คล้ายแสง
สุภานันต์ จันทร์ตรี


The purposes of this research are to study the management of accounting information of current orchid entrepreneurs, and to define the effects of innovation, administrative information on productivity and the competitive advantage of orchid entrepreneurs. The data were collected from a sample of 260 entrepreneurs out of 653 households of orchid entrepreneurs in Nakhon Pathom province using stratified random sampling methods. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis. The research results show that the orchid entrepreneurs' perception of the use of current management accounting information in decision-making is low, focusing on analyzing the ratio of sales to developing new products. Besides, planning, order, and control are at the lowest level. Management accounting information has a significant relationship with increasing productivity on work morale and morale of colleagues, and with control and decision-making on the safety of the production process to reduce losses and management. Moreover, accounting information are significantly related to competitive advantage in all aspects: order management, proper management, the control of product quality, the planning of knowledge and expertise on orchids and decision making on low-cost production.

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สุขแก้ว ด. ., งามโฉม ว., คล้ายแสง ล., & จันทร์ตรี ส. . (2022). Creating Innovations in Managerial Accounting Information to Improve Productivity and Competitiveness of Orchid Entrepreneurs in Nakhon Prothom Province. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(2), 1–15. retrieved from
Research Articles


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