Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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สุนิดา เกียรติวัฒนวิศาล


The United Nations has set goals for world social development: Millennium Development Goals containing 8 issues which ended in 2015. In the 70th annual meeting of the general assembly, the sustainable development agenda of 2030 had been signed which is the development framework of the world. To achieve social development, economy and a sustainable environment, the framework contains 17 goals as follows: (1) No Poverty (2) Zero Hunger (3) Good Health and well-being (4) Quality Education (5) Gender Equality (6) Clean Water and Sanitation (7) Affordable and Clean Energy (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth (9) Industry Innovation and Infrastructure (10) Reduced Inequalities (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities (12) Responsible Consumption and Production (13) Climate Action (14) Life Below Water (15) Life on Land (16) Peace and Justice Strong Institutions (17) Partnerships for the Goals. The sustainable development goal of this United Nations creates alertness in many sectors both internationally and regionally. For Thailand, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, The Great, had guided the way of life for people on the path of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, modesty reasoning and having good self-immunity under knowledge and moral conditions to make economic, social and environmental conditions develop, balanced and be sustainable forever.

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เกียรติวัฒนวิศาล ส. . (2022). Sufficiency Economy Philosophy (SEP) towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(3), 1–18. retrieved from
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