The Relationship between Key Audit Matters Disclosure and Firm Values of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, SET100 Group

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จิรัฐติกาล วุฒิพันธุ์
เข็มพร สุ่มมาตย์
ธนัย ศรีอิสาณ


The objective of this research is to examine the relationship between key audit matters disclosure and firm values of listed companies in the stock exchange of Thailand, SET 100 groupThis study utilized secondary data from listed companies in the SET 100 between 2018 and 2020. The population and sample size of this study is 222 firm-year observations. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regression analyses. The results demonstrated that the average word count from auditor reports containing key audit matters was 952.02 words. The results also showed that key audit matters and firm growth did not significantly affect firm values. The factor positively affecting firm values was the return on asset, whereas firm size and leverage were the factors negatively affecting firm values at the significance level of 0.05. 

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วุฒิพันธุ์ จ. ., สุ่มมาตย์ เ. ., & ศรีอิสาณ ธ. (2022). The Relationship between Key Audit Matters Disclosure and Firm Values of Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand, SET100 Group. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(3), 32–41. retrieved from
Research Articles


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