Motivation-Hygiene Factors and Working Problems of Accountants in Accounting Firms, Ban Pong, Ratchaburi

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นัทจินันท์ เปลี่ยนพุ่ม
พรหมรินทร์ เหลืองไพศาล
มะลิวรรณ พฤกษชัยกุล
งามโฉม งามโฉม
รัชตา เทียนไชย


This study aims to examine motivation factors, hygiene factors, and working problems of accountants in accounting firms. A questionnaire was used as a tool to gather data and the sample was 64 accountants from 6 accounting firms in Ban Pong Ratchaburi. Percentage, mean, standard deviation, T-test, and F-test were used to analyze data. The results demonstrate that most of the accountants are 26-30 years old women finishing an undergraduate degree with 4-6 years of experience, and having an income of around 15,001-20,000 baht. The results of the study on motivating factors and hygiene factors in working show that the overall level of both factors is at a high level. The motivating factors for success at work are at the highest level. The hygiene factors at the highest level consist of 2 aspects, namely the company's management policy and compensation and benefits. The results of the research hypothesis testing reveal that the personal factors -- age, education level, and work experience -- have a statistically significant influence on motivation and hygiene factors at the 0.05 level, and they have no statistically significant influence on working problems.

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เปลี่ยนพุ่ม น., เหลืองไพศาล พ. ., พฤกษชัยกุล ม. ., งามโฉม ง., & เทียนไชย ร. . (2022). Motivation-Hygiene Factors and Working Problems of Accountants in Accounting Firms, Ban Pong, Ratchaburi. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(3), 53–65. retrieved from
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