The Development of Accounting System for Community Financial Institutions, Bang Rakam Subdistrict, Bang Len District, Nakhon Pathom Province with Microsoft Excel

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ปิยดา พฤกสวัสดิ์นนท์
วรรนา มั่นศรีจันทร์
วิกานดา ฉิมจินดา
มะลิวรรณ พฤกษชัยกุล
วาสุกาญจน์ งามโฉม


The objectives of this research were to 1) develop an accounting system that was appropriate and in line with community financial institutions of Bang Rakam subdistrict, Bang Len district, Nakhon Pathom Province and 2) study the satisfaction level of using the developed accounting system and forms. The tools used for the study included an accounting system developed from Microsoft Excel software and a satisfaction evaluation form for the use of forms and the accounting system. The study population included accounting staff of the community financial institutions and related staff of Bang Rakam subdistrict, Bang Len district, Nakhon Pathom province, totaling 50 people. Data were collected and analyzed by using descriptive statistics which consists of frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation of satisfaction rating. The results of this research found that the developed accounting system was appropriate and in line with the community financial institutions of Bang Rakam subdistrict, Bang Len district, Nakhon Pathom province. The overall satisfaction level for the developed accounting system was high, with an average score of 4.47, including satisfaction with the use of forms and the accounting system in general, with an average score of 4.44 and 4.49, respectively

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พฤกสวัสดิ์นนท์ ป. ., มั่นศรีจันทร์ ว. ., ฉิมจินดา ว. ., พฤกษชัยกุล ม. ., & งามโฉม ว. . (2023). The Development of Accounting System for Community Financial Institutions, Bang Rakam Subdistrict, Bang Len District, Nakhon Pathom Province with Microsoft Excel. Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(1), 65–75. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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