The Study of the Language Style of Anon Saeteng on the Topaanon Channel in the TikTok Application

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Kamonwan Limjatsadapong


This article aims to study the language style of Anon Saeteng on the Topaanon channel of the TikTok application, spanning 134 clips, using documentary research methodologies. The study identified 10 aspects of Anon Saeteng’s language style, listed in descending order of frequency: 1) Rhyming words - 68.64%, 2) Reduplicated words - 17.24%, 3) Expressive emotional words - 3.78%, 4) Foreign words - 2.46%, 5) Implied words - 2.13%, 6) Slang words - 1.97%, 7) Dialect words - 1.81%, 8) Abbreviated words - 0.82%, 9) Rude words - 0.66%, and 10) Onomatopoeic words - 0.33%. The findings of this research can contribute to the study of language style and can be applied in creating language-based artistic works.

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How to Cite
Limjatsadapong, K. (2023). The Study of the Language Style of Anon Saeteng on the Topaanon Channel in the TikTok Application . Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 5(3), 1–9. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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