Knowledge Understanding and Motivation in Making Decisions About Aaving Through The National Savings Fund of The Members of The Baan Munkong Network in Nakorn Sawan

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Varisara Lawbaumrung
Luksamee Ngammeesri
Narathip Pakdeejan


This research aimed to evaluate the understanding of the National Savings Fund (NSF) among members of the Baan Munkong Network in Nakhon Sawan Province, Thailand. Specifically, it sought to 1) assess the level of knowledge and understanding of the NSF, 2) examine the motivation levels for saving money through the NSF, 3) evaluate the decision-making processes regarding savings through the NSF among network members, and 4) investigate the relationship of members' knowledge of the NSF, their motivation to save, and their savings decisions. Utilizing a quantitative research design, data were collected from a sample of 380 individuals. Analytical tools included frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's correlation coefficient. The findings indicated that the level of knowledge and understanding of the NSF among members was moderate. Similarly, the motivation to save money through the NSF was also rated as moderate. However, the overall decision-making level regarding saving money through the NSF was considered high. There was a positive correlation between the level of knowledge and understanding of the NSF, the motivation to save money, and the decision to save money through the NSF. Nonetheless, the strength of this relationship ranged from low to very low, suggesting that while some correlation exists, it is not strong enough to imply a significant predictive relationship.

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How to Cite
Lawbaumrung, V. ., Ngammeesri, L., & Pakdeejan, N. . (2024). Knowledge Understanding and Motivation in Making Decisions About Aaving Through The National Savings Fund of The Members of The Baan Munkong Network in Nakorn Sawan . Rattanakosin Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 6(1), 80–96. Retrieved from
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