Analysis of the Potential of Higher Education Institutions in the Global & Frontier Research Group with International Publications
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The purpose of this study aims to analyze the situation of international publications of Higher Education Institutions in the Global & Frontier Research Group according to the announcement of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation 2023. The analysis covers 17 institutions using the SciVal database between 2019-2023, encompassing a total of 110,248 articles. The study found that Mahidol University had the highest number of published articles, totaling 20,245. It also had the highest number of citations, with 175,691. The university published the most articles in Quartile 1 journals, with 9,835 articles. Additionally, it had the highest number of internationally collaborative publications, with 9,420 articles, and the highest number of citations from international collaborations, with 126,181. The higher education institution with the highest number of citations per article is Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology, with 11.9 citations per article. The institution with the highest Field-Weighted Citation Impact is Mae Fah Luang University, with an impact factor of 1.32. The institution with the highest number of citations per article for internationally collaborative work is Naresuan University, with 16.5 citations per article. In conclusion, the research findings indicate that Higher Education Institutions in the Global & Frontier Research group's international publications have steadily increased over the last five years. Therefore, the results of this study can serve as a for higher education institutions to access information to compare their performance with peer institutions in the same group. This will help in strategically focusing on areas that align with the institution's potential.
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