
  • เยาวนารถ พันธุ์เพ็ง sripatum university chonburi campus


digital media designer, academician, professionals, digital era


                The instrument used for the digital media designer attribution research was a Delphi technique with specific samples selected of 20 experts; a group of 10 scholars from academic or higher education institutes nationwide that offer courses in communication arts or journalism, and another group of 10 digital media professionals who hold an undergraduate  degree and have at least 5 years’ experience in media design for newspapers, magazines, and electronic media including television, radio, film, news media, and internet. The research method used to collect data includes structured interviews, and a 5-scale rating questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis include median and quartile range. The result indicated that: 1) knowledge base of designers should obtain well knowledge of communication skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), creative content knowledge, media literacy, images usage, and able to communicate in English well, 2) network base, media designers should be friendly, discipline, a team player, optimistic, responsible, have professional ethics, and network of ideas and collaboration, 3) technology & innovation base, the media designers should have good skills of using equipment and tools such as computer, smart phone, and applications related to communication. They should be able to use these new communication gadgets, social media, and under the production process of digital media era, 4) creativity base, the media designers like to receive messages, texts, pictures, gifs, sound, and the surrounding messages. They should be imaginative, problem solver, flexible, have experiences in media work, and do multitasking, and lastly, 5) entrepreneurship base, these media designers should have leadership skills, be honest, and have morality of administration.


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