
  • สมศักดิ์ สุวรรณสุขกุล Burapha University


administrative management, public school, information technology and communication


This research aims to study the information and the path to store, process and track by information and communication technology for the benefit of fastness and accuracy to Pracharath Schools, and to study the information management processes of administrators and related staffs who manage Pracharath Schools by using information and communication technology. This is a qualitative research and action research by interview and practicality. The population is 306 Pracharath Schools which supported by Thai Beverage Public Company Limited according to Civil State (Pracharath) strategic policy of the government and assigned Commerce and Business School, Burapha University, and 25 networked universities to take care of. The samples are specified in Eastern Thailand which starts sooner than other parts of Thailand for 2 months. The results of the study indicated that the information and the path which is used in the program from the beginning to the last stage are basic information of Pracharath Schools, projects information (objectives, activities, and outcomes), project status, financial support status, activity pictures/outcomes, on-site information, and monthly achievement. For the tracking, the information consists of activities information according to the project of each school, school partners on-site information, project overview information, progress of the project, financial support application, and outcome of the project. This information can be used to manage and track main activities which consist of input of the project that is organization chart, objectives and activities of the project, management processes tracking such as activities tracking, sequences, processes of Pracharath Schools daily like visit as school partners, and can track and evaluate Pracharath Schools by using management system about 87.00%.


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