
  • นินธนา เอี่ยมสะอาด Suratthani Rajabhat University


knowledge management, inherit local wisdom, Thai herbs, Surat Thani province


     The main purpose of this research is to study the state of knowledge management about Thai herbs in Don Sak District, Surat Thani in order to categorize, integrate, and transcribed knowledge of local wisdom of herbs as well as develop herbal products for the community. The research samples are 13 community leaders, 13 villagers, and 39 community representatives selected by specific randomization method. Data were collected from primary and secondary sources by questionnaires and interviews. Content analysis and statistical analysis: percentage, mean, and standard deviation were used for data analysis. The result indicateed that there are several respectable Thai herbal experts in Don Sak Area for Herbal Knowledge Management. The knowledge is transferred from generation to the next and become more interesting to the public. The herbs in Don Sak area are natural herbs that grow on coastal areas.

            The natural herbs of the coastal areas are effective in the treatment of following symptoms: 1) diarrhea, twisting, and vomiting-by using small leave of mangroves, drink water from the shell, using big leave of mangroves, boil the shell with water to drink, boil Xylocarpus granatum’s shell and seed to boil with water to drink, boil Xylocarpus moluccensis with water, boil Ceriops decandra’s shell, 2) wiping fresh wound, stop the bleeding, heal wounds-by using small leaves of mangroves and pound shell into small pieces, using small leave of mangroves by boiling shell with water to wipe wound, boil Xylocarpus granatum’s shell and seed to boil with water to drink, boil Xylocarpus moluccensis with water and pound into small pieces, pound Mikania cordata and put on wounds, 3) release gas in stomach, dialysis, and detoxification, -by using Excoecaria agallocha wood to be an ingredient in the preparation, using Avicennia alba boil with water to heal wind in the bone, 4) detoxification by using Thunbergia laurifolia, use Fresh leaves mixed with washed rice water, filtered water to drink, fresh morning glory or boiled fresh morning glory with water to drink in order to detoxify, 5) heart defects, using Fishtail Palm and root to boil with water to drink as a cure for liver disease, helps to extinguish lung liver, 6) gallstones, Hemorrhoids, squeeze Indian Marsh Fleabane fresh leaves to drink, and 7) Hepatitis, take the root of Arenga westerhoutii to heal fever, treat blood coughs, Hepatitis, Processing of local herbs into herbal drinks e.g. Roselle juice, Anchan juice, lemon grass juice, Carandas-plum juice, and Thunbergia laurifolia juice which can be drunk at any age, and suitable for community products.


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