
  • นพพร บัวอินทร์ king mongkut's university of technology north rayoung


online social media, purchasing behavior, generation Y


            The objectives of this research were to study demographic factors affecting product purchasing and buying behaviors through social media of generation Y customers in Rayong and compare behaviors of product purchasing through social media of generation Y customers in Rayong, classified by demography factors. The sample was 400 of generation Y customers in Rayong. The data was analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with statistical significance at .05 level. In cases, differences were found at a statistically significant level, the methods of Scheffé Analysis were applied.

            The results indicated that most participants were female. They were students who earn an income lower than 10,000 Baht. Most popular products they buy are clothes because it was fast and convenient. The buying method was via different application. The decision time was 1 - 2 hours. The frequency was 1 time per month. The overall marketing factor that has an effect to the purchasing behavior via online social was commented in high level comment. Purchasing behavior via online social in the category of types of products depends on the personal status of gender with the significance of .05.

            The results of the comparison between demographic factors and factors affecting product purchasing showed that the sample agreed with the product purchasing through online social media at a high level. The comparison of the differences of individual opinions on marketing factors affecting consumer behavior and purchasing decisions through online social media of generation Y consumers in Rayong found that there is a significant difference at the level of .05 of the overall. When comparing in terms of price, there was a significant difference at the level of .05. Distribution channels and sales promotion had no significant difference at the level of .05.

Author Biography

นพพร บัวอินทร์, king mongkut's university of technology north rayoung

อาจารย์ประจำสาขาวิชาบริหารธุรกิจอุตสาหกรรมและโลจิสติกส์ คณะบริหารธุรกิจ มหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีพระจอมเกล้าพระนครเหนือ วิทยาเขตระยอง


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