
  • นพดล บุญภา Chiang Mai Rajabhat University


leadership development, student leader, 21st century leader


            The purposes of this research were to study and develop the content of 21st century leadership in high school. This is a mixed method research. The sample population is 30 high school student leaders from the school in Secondary Educational Service Area Office 35, Pa Sang district, Lamphun province who study in education year 2018. The sample was selected by purposive sampling.  The research instruments are lecturer handbook for developing 21st century leadership in high school students, leadership assessment, and leadership test.  The statistic used were confirmatory factor analysis, mean, standard deviation and t-test (one sample group). The result indicated as following:

  1. The content of 21st century leadership for high school student consist of good relationship team work, successful operation, communication skills, motivation, moral and ethics, courage and vision. The confirmatory factor analysis found that 21st century leadership for high school student content has consist with empirical data by chi square statistic at 223.861. The most important component is relationship establishing in the team at the weighted value 0.903. The followed component is communication skill at the weight value 0.893.
  2. The 21st century leadership development in high school student found that the knowledge had significantly higher at .01 levels after the training.  The 21st century leadership evaluation in high school student was in high level. The follow up result and evaluation after training was in high level.

Author Biography

นพดล บุญภา, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University




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