
  • Chonthita Phuwarat Sripatum University, Chonburi


grammar teaching, second language writing


                The role of grammar teaching in language learning has been a prime focus of debate for many years. Learning a language is not a traditional ended result; therefore, there is no ideal method in which every language learner can undoubtedly learn a language (Ellis, 2002). The purpose of this article is to examine the role of grammar teaching in ESL Writing and the probable practical approaches to grammar teaching. In writing instruction for English learners, the role of grammar teaching has changed dramatically over time. The writing exercises existed primarily for students to practice word and sentence level grammar. A summary of second language writing pedagogy discloses the change in attitudes towards the pedagogic effectiveness of explicit grammar instruction in writing class. Research in second language writing has defined the issues and offered new perspective related to the teaching of grammar in the second language writing whether focusing on grammar in different contexts can help students understand variation in functions and forms across diverse genres as well as build linguistic resources for a wide range of writing needs.

Author Biography

Chonthita Phuwarat, Sripatum University, Chonburi

English for Business Communication, Sripatum University, Chonburi


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