
  • Pukteekawin Isulyodphasutee Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Sumanop siwarat Buddhist Studies Program, Graduate School, Mahamakut Buddhist University


potential development, quotient, Anapanasati, Buddhism


             The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the development of quotient potential of the youths, 2) to study the principles of Anapanasati in Buddhism, 3) to integrate the development of quotient potential of the youths with Anapanasati in Buddhism, and 4) to propose guidelines in building new knowledge regarding “the Model of integrating Quotient Potential Development of the Youths by Anapanasati.” The data of this documentary qualitative research were collected from academic works, the Tipittaka, Commentaries, and in-depth interviews with 12 experts. The results of the study indicated that:

  1. The development of quotient potential of the youths consisted of developing in Moral Quotient (MQ) and Adversity Quotient (AQ).
  2. Anapanasati in Buddhism referred to concentration on mindful breathing to calm the mind for phenomenon consideration.
  3. Integrating the Quotient Potential development of the youths with Anapanasati principles in Buddhism was to allow the youths to practice anapanasati until their minds were calm enough. Then the Moral Quotient (MQ) on honesty, discipline and kindness and Adversity Quotient (AQ) on self-control, responsibility for problems, situation assessment and how to respond to problems were taught to them. Finally, they consider advantages and disadvantages of problems based on Anapanasati principles. The youths do it continuously under the supervision and guidelines of adults.

     4. The guidelines and body of knowledge about integrating the Quotient Potential development of the youths with Anapanasati principles in Buddhism could be summarized into a “TDRAMA Model”.

Author Biographies

Pukteekawin Isulyodphasutee, Mahamakut Buddhist University

Doctor of Philosophy (Buddhist Studies), Mahamakut Buddhist University, Academic Year 2021

Sumanop siwarat, Buddhist Studies Program, Graduate School, Mahamakut Buddhist University

 Lecturer, Buddhist Studies Program, Graduate School, Mahamakut Buddhist University


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