
  • Ratsamee Ajchariyapaisankul Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce
  • Panumart Kedkaew Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai Chamber Commerce
  • Rujipas Boonsomraj Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai Chamber Commerce


Tourist Attraction Development, Tourism Activities, Incentive Activity Bang Nam Phueng Floating Market


        This research aimed to study 1) guidelines to develop reward tourism at Bang Nam Phueng Floating Market, 2) factors affecting the needs of the local people to promote and develop the reward tourism, and 3) problems, obstacles, and suggestions on the participation of entrepreneurs in promoting the reward tourism. A quantitative research method was employed in this study. 400 sets of questionnaire run by Convenient Sampling of surveys were used      collect data from local entrepreneurs and community leaders in Bang Nam Phueng Floating Market. The data were analyzed according to the level of assessment, utilizing average statistics and the standard deviation for each item and then presented in the form of data descriptions divided into three sections, as follows: 1) respondents’ general information, 2) information on the importance of tourism resources in Bang Nam Phueng Floating Market, Phra Pradaeng District, Samut Prakan Province, and 3) opinion questionnaire, conclusions, and suggestions. According to the study's findings, when each aspect was considered, the knowledge and understanding of reward tourism in terms of travel expenses, landscape services, and facility satisfaction were all at a high level. As a reward, it was a guideline for developing areas to support tourism. According to objective 2, it was discovered that community leaders and shop operators at the Bang Nam Phueng Floating Market in Samut Prakan had different developmental significance based on gender. Considering each aspect, it was discovered that developing community leaders and shop operators to reward tourism knowledge, services, and facilities was critical. The third objective was discovered to be the product problem, product appearance, and price. The product problem, product appearance, and price beyond customer demand were discovered to be the most problematic for the third objective. It could be because the general public or local entrepreneurs wanted to sell similar or very similar products, thus lacking product variety.

Author Biographies

Ratsamee Ajchariyapaisankul, Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce

Lecturer, Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai Chamber Commerce

Panumart Kedkaew, Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai Chamber Commerce

Lecturer, Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai

Chamber Commerce

Rujipas Boonsomraj, Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai Chamber Commerce

Lecturer, Event Production and Management, School of Tourism and Services University of the Thai Chamber Commerce


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