Safety, Service, AircraftAbstract
This academic article aimed to present safety risk management guidelines for pre-flight, during the flight, and landing at the airport according to the International Civil Aviation Organization standards in order to describe principles of flight planning, safety, and service of airlines to prepare before each aircraft can be put into service. Two areas were to be considered: preparation for safety and service to reduce errors causing accidents. There must be planning and preparing important information for the flight, including important information affecting safety. Details must be understood when finding that any factors may cause hazards, such as fuel calculation to ensure that aircraft would reach the destination safely, flight planning which required accurate weather forecasting, and calculation of the fuel consumption by considering the fuel consumption effect of the wind blowing in the front or the tail of the aircraft, including information on various temperature levels and weather information. It is important to be aware of the NOTAM. As for the agencies involved in providing flight services, they must divide their work responsibilities, whether they are personnel performing work in the aviation area or in the aircraft parking. They must be aware of the procedures for treating aircraft and strictly adhere to the same standards of aviation rules from origin to destination. Before every flight, there must be a plan in each department or person involved to receive useful flight information for use in the work and to prepare for assignments with the persons who had to work on the flight with the highest safety-first priority.
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