
  • Wannapa Luekitinan Undergraduate Business Program in Human Resource Management, Faculty of Business Administration, Burapha University


Human Resource Role, Human Resource Management, Mixed Method Research


            This mixed research, which used a sequential approach, aimed to study the expected human resource role. In this quantitative study, data were collected from 400 human resource practitioners by convenience sampling and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that all components of the expected human resource role were at the highest level, ranging from highest to lowest as follows: the administrative expert component, employee champion component, strategic partner component, and change agent component. The qualitative study was a focus group discussion of 20 human resource practitioners selected by purposive sampling, and data were analyzed by content analysis. The results showed that the expected human resource roles were 1) business ethics and human resource ethics, 2) business and operation knowledge, 3) human resource management and labor law knowledge, 4) the ability to advise executives, and 5) coordination among employers, employees, and government agencies. The results of both studies were consistent, except for business ethics and human resource ethics were additional findings obtained from qualitative studies.

Author Biography

Wannapa Luekitinan, Undergraduate Business Program in Human Resource Management, Faculty of Business Administration, Burapha University

Lecturer, Undergraduate Business Program in Human Resource Management, Faculty of Business Administration, Burapha University


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