Service Quality, Satisfaction, Pest Control CompanyAbstract
This research aimed to study 1) service functions, 2) demand levels, 3) comparison of pest control services in Bangkok in various locations, and 4) service areas delivered effects on services provided during the provincial pest extermination period. The samples were 400 people who have used the company's services to get rid of pests in Bangkok. A questionnaire was used as the data collection tool. The statistics used to analyze the data included frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, hypothesis testing using t test (t test for Independent Samples), F test (One-Way ANOVA), and Multiple Regression Analysis (Enter Regression).
It was found that most respondents were female under or equal to 30 years of age, had bachelor's degrees, were employed, had an average monthly income of 15,001-20,000 baht, and had a service duration of 1 year. The quality of service was at a very important level. Satisfaction was at the level of high agreement. Age, educational level, occupation, average monthly income and different service periods affected satisfaction with the services of different pest control companies. The aspects of service concreteness, reliability or trustworthiness, confidence, and understanding the needs of service recipients influenced satisfaction with the services of pest control companies with a statistical significance at the .05 level.
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