
  • Tharinee Manisri College of Logistics and Supply Chain, Sripatum University
  • Chawalit Manisri School of Engineer, Sripatum University


Transportation and Distribution Management, Food Loss, Wolffia


            This research aimed 1) to study the Wolffia supply chain, 2) to analyze losses throughout the supply chain, and 3) to propose transportation and distribution management methods using in-depth interviews with three Wolffia farmers, one manufacturer, and 28 customers related to the breeding process, storage, packaging, and delivery, as well as processing for loss analysis throughout the supply chain.

            It was found that the transportation and distribution processes resulted in up to a 20% loss of Wolffia. The main cause was delivering the eggs from different provinces to customers in the city, which took at least 4 hours. Often, products were damaged due to delays and inadequate temperature control. The research proposed transportation and distribution management methods to reduce delivery time and ensure the fastest delivery to customers by establishing distribution centers in Bangkok. Through the central location selection method by comparing potential locations using distance and transportation cost calculations, two optimal locations were identified: the Phra Nakhon area (13.759923689101600, 100.564717795655000) and Thonburi area (13.691066931265300, 100.472623747179000), which could deliver products to customers within 60 minutes, reducing Wolffia losses at this stage.

Author Biographies

Tharinee Manisri, College of Logistics and Supply Chain, Sripatum University

College of Logistics and Supply Chain, Sripatum University

Chawalit Manisri, School of Engineer, Sripatum University

School of Engineer, Sripatum University


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