
  • krirkpol Phosaeng Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, North Bangkok University
  • Somyos Avakiat Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, North Bangkok University


Restaurant Recovery, Restaurant Business, Post-COVID-19


            This research aimed to investigate the key factors that contributed to the recovery of restaurant entrepreneurs in Thanyaburi District, Pathum Thani Province, following the COVID-19 pandemic and to compare the characteristics of those restaurant entrepreneurs with the identified factors that influenced restaurant recovery. The study sample consisted of 100 restaurant owners operating dine-in establishments in Thanyaburi District, Pathum Thani Province. This sample size was determined using Krejcie and Morgan's sample size calculation formula, considering a total population of 135 restaurants. The researchers specifically targeted dine-in restaurants operating during evening hours, as these establishments were most severely impacted by the pandemic. Data were collected using a questionnaire administered to purposively selected restaurant owners and analyzed using various statistical methods, including frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t test (Independent Samples), F test, and One-Way ANOVA Analysis.

            It was found that 57 female entrepreneurs were women with an average age between 46 and 55 years old, 48 of them held bachelor's degrees, 39 restaurants’ average monthly revenue was higher than 45,001 baht, 37 restaurants had eight or more employees, and 39 restaurants had been in operation for 3 to 6 years. The following factors were identified as the most significant contributors to the recovery of restaurants in Thanyaburi District: 1) restaurant decoration: lighting design to create atmosphere (average importance rating of 3.70, considered very important), 2) location: proximity to suppliers (average importance rating of 3.69, considered very important), and 3) employee management: providing employees with the tools needed for success (average importance rating of 3.61, considered very important). In addition, the type of food served which included fast food, the price range of the food (0-100 baht), and promotional activities held every seven days were also factors contributing to the recovery of restaurants after the COVID-19 outbreak. When comparing the factors contributing to restaurant recovery, the following observations were made: The age of the entrepreneur had an impact on the recovery of the restaurant. Female entrepreneurs contributed more to restaurant recovery than male entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs with higher education were perceived as more credible than those with lower education. However, the experience and duration of the restaurant owner's business also played a role in the restaurant's recovery. It was necessary for restaurants to reduce the number of employees and rely more on delivery services to achieve recovery.

Author Biographies

krirkpol Phosaeng, Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, North Bangkok University

Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, North Bangkok University

Somyos Avakiat, Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, North Bangkok University

Bachelor of Business Administration Program, Management, Bachelor of Business Administration, North Bangkok University


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