
  • Phutthida Thubthong Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Sunsuen Hunsaen Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University
  • Daoprakai Raso Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


Educational Institution Administration Guidelines, Participatory Administration


            The objectives of this research were to study the problems of participatory management in schools under Prachinburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 according to the opinions of school administrators and teachers, and to study the principles of participatory management in those schools. This was. The samples, selected by multi-stage sampling method, consisted 286 school administrators and teachers under Prachinburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in Academic Year 2022 who provided quantitative data and 12 people including the director and deputy director of the Prachinburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and 10 school administrators selected by purposive sampling. The instrument used to collect data were a questionnaire and focus group discussion. Data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, standard deviation, and content analysis.

          Research results were as follows: 1) The level of participatory administration in educational institutions under Prachinburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 was overall at a very high level, ranked by mean scores from highest to lowest, respectively: participation in operations, participation in benefits, participation in evaluation, and participation in decision making. 2) There were 4 guidelines of participatory administration in schools under Prachinburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, as follows: participation in operations, in which administrators provided opportunities for teachers to participate in decision-making, planning, and implementation of various activities within the educational institution; participation in decision making, in which the administrators provided the teachers and stakeholders with opportunities to participate in decision-making processes related to school operations; participation in benefits, in which the administrators recognized and commended teachers for their efforts in teaching and learning management; and participation in evaluation, in which the teachers were given opportunities to participate in the evaluation of the school's performance management.

Author Biographies

Phutthida Thubthong, Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University

Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education,

Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University

Sunsuen Hunsaen, Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University

Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education,

Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University

Daoprakai Raso, Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University

Master of Education Program, Field of Educational Administration, Faculty of Education,

Rajabhat Rajanagarindra University


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