
  • Ling Chen Business Administration Program in Marketing, Siam University
  • Prin Laksitamas Business Administration Program in Marketing, Siam University


Green Furniture, Green Consumption Behavior, PRC New First-Tier Cities


            This study examined the effects of Chinese consumers’ crucial demographic attributes on consumption values and scrutinized the impact of these values on attitudes and their consumption choice behaviors toward green furniture products in the People's Republic of China (PRC)'s new first-tier cities market. This quantitative research employed 36-factor questionnaires on research samples consisting of 832 Chinese consumers from China’s four major new first-tier cities (Chengdu, Hangzhou, Xi’an, and Wuhan) which were collected by stratified sampling technique. The data underwent analysis through several statistical methods, including one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), independent t test, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), path analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM). The results indicated that demographic attributes of the residence city, income, and marital status significantly influenced Chinese consumers’ values. Product value (β=0.61) and eco-friendly system value (β=0.06) positively affected Chinese consumers’ attitudes. Product value (β= 0.82) and eco-friendly system value (β=0.52) also positively affected consumption behaviors. Chinese customers’ consumption behavior on green furniture could also be predicted by attitude (β=0.65) in the PRC’s new first-tier cities market. The paper's final section proposed recommendations for diverse stakeholders, encompassing consumers, enterprises, and government organizations.

Author Biographies

Ling Chen, Business Administration Program in Marketing, Siam University

Business Administration Program in Marketing, Siam University

Prin Laksitamas, Business Administration Program in Marketing, Siam University

Business Administration Program in Marketing, Siam University


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