People Participation in Bang Pu Subdistrict Municipality, Yaring District, Pattani Province on Tourism Area Development by Community

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Jirachaya Jeawkok
Abdulkhaliq ArrahimeeMa
Jetsada Kamusik
Abdulhakim Noitubtim


The purposes of this research were to study the participation of community members in community development as a tourist attraction and to study the guidelines for participation of  Bang Pu community as a community tourism attractions. The sample consisted of 338 people from Bang Pu community, and 7 people from community tourism attractions committee and members with important roles. The data were analyzed by using statistics, percentage, mean, standard deviation and qualitative data using content analysis.The research found that the participation of the people in Bang Pu subdistrict Municipality, the overall was at the medium level (mean=3.06). When considering each aspect, it was found that the participation in evaluation was at the medium level (mean=3.19), the participation in operation was at the medium level (mean= 2.94). The guidelines for participation of Bang Pu community were 1) organizing a learning process for people in the community for participation in community development, 2) stimulating public participation to love and cherish in the community, 3) relevant agencies should set a clear development model so that people in the community can understand and participate in the process.Therefore, relavant agencies should focus on the participation process from the beginning to allow Bang Pu community to be developed as a community tourism attractions.

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How to Cite
Jeawkok, J. ., ArrahimeeMa, A. ., Kamusik, J. ., & Noitubtim, A. . (2020). People Participation in Bang Pu Subdistrict Municipality, Yaring District, Pattani Province on Tourism Area Development by Community. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 22(1), 8–20. Retrieved from
Research Article


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