Generating Creative Tourism Routes within Phetchaburi through the Innovative use of Local Food Products

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Teerapan Panyadee
Nisakorn Khunwong
Kitsada Tungchawal
Pitcharut Pieonoi
Chanaikarn Piemsanga


At present, there is not a complete understanding of what motivates tourists to travel to a specific food destination. This article aimed to give insights into the various forms of tourism together with the behavioral patterns of tourists and particular implications for integrating local cuisine into tourism in general. In addition, this study aimed to identify the personal motives of potential food tourists and their underlying decision-making processes in selecting preferred destinations. Food is rapidly becoming one of the major attractions for tourists. This exploratory study analyzed and evaluated the particular tastes of different kinds of food, the history, and background of indigenous dishes dining culture and secret tips of local cooking. The review of the relevant studies of culinary tourism and analyzing potential food tourism routes in Phetchaburi were done in order to create tourism products by stimulating and developing local food tourism. The findings showed that not only the understanding of the motivational and other factors from both tourists and destination perspectives but also having regard to sustainable destination management to generate creative tourism routes within Phetchaburi through the Innovative use of local food products.

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How to Cite
Panyadee, T. . ., Khunwong, N. ., Tungchawal, K. . ., Pieonoi, P. . ., & Piemsanga, C. . (2022). Generating Creative Tourism Routes within Phetchaburi through the Innovative use of Local Food Products. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 24(1), 7–24. Retrieved from
Research Article


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