Influencing Factor for Good Governance Implementation of the Sub-District Administrative Organization in Phranakhon si Ayutthaya Province

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Nongnart Wangtepanukroh
Piyakorn Whangmahaporn


The purpose of this research was to study good governance implementation and influencing factors for good governance implementation of the sub-district administrative organization in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province. The mixed-method research was used in this study. In the quantitative session, it was conducted on 465 personnel by using a research questionnaire and analyzing the data with average, percentage, standard deviation, and linear multiple regression analysis. In the qualitative session, 24 personnel who were executive officers were interviewed, and the data were analyzed by interpretation. The study was found that there were 9 influencing factors for good governance implementation as 1) Environment which was the maximum average score and 2) Leadership 3) Budget 4) Organization structure 5) Internal communication 6) Corporate policy 7) Value/culture 8) Human resource and 9) Information technology which were the minimum average score.There were 10 good governance implementations as 1) Moral/Ethics which were the maximum average score and 2) Equality 3) Rule of Law 4) Response 5) Responsibility 6) Disclosure/transparency 7) Decentralization 8) Effectiveness 9) Participation and 10) Efficiency which were the minimum average score. When analyzing the relationship between influencing factor and good governance implementation, it was found that all 9 variables were related to good governance implementation. The budget was the most correlated as shown in the followings 1) Human resources 2) Internal communication 3) Corporate policy 4) Leadership 5) Value/culture 6) Organization structure 7) Information technology and 8) Environment which was the less correlated. When forecasting equation test for prediction of all 9 variables (multiple regression analysis) it was found that only 3 variables have influenced good governance implementation. The most influencing variable was budget, and the second was human resource and environment respectively. The obstacle was the lack of management principles from the executive officer for effective help and cope with the changing situation especially the spread of COVID-19, lack of manpower, lack of ethics for duty, and lack of real participation from citizens. For suggestions, It should emphasize on the information disclosure through website channels to give opportunity for people to access, get to know, and get a wider variety of information and convince all sectors to participate in various channels openly/transparent and get feedback on how to solve people's problems quickly, in a timely manner.

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How to Cite
Wangtepanukroh, N., & Whangmahaporn, P. . (2022). Influencing Factor for Good Governance Implementation of the Sub-District Administrative Organization in Phranakhon si Ayutthaya Province. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 24(1), 25–43. Retrieved from
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